Investing Education Day: Stop throwing darts and missing great stocks!
Doors open at 12:30, come early and bring a beverage. Join us for a light bite of dessert, mingle and meet.
Program starts at 1:00 PM with the first class on FREE databases from the library. Are you using Value Line to validate your investment choices? Do you know what to look for? Where? What can Morningstar tell you about your company? Director Marty Eckerle will show you how to aim those darts!
Second class is how to find growth stocks using BetterInvesting. Mike Higgins will give a tour of the home page of BetterInvesting with its many educational sites but will focus on how to search for growth stocks on the "search and screen" page. This very useful site will help you search the stock database for high-qualtiy, growth investments. He will explain the tools that sharpen your investing darts!
In the third class, Richard Alden will cover what is Artificial Intellingence. How it moves markets and creates opportunity. AI is changing our world and it will affect our investing future. The understanding of that future will help guide your darts.
Wrap-up/Door Prize: Last minute questions and answers. Turn in your survey sheet and check your ticket number!
None required, only an interest in growing your investment knowledge and skills.