First Cut Mentoring - July

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7:00 pm - 8:15 pm ET
Cost: FREE

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Join the North Florida Chapter for our monthly First Cut Mentoring Workshop. The session will be held the third Wednesday of each month at 7 pm ET.

We will do a step-by-step walkthrough of a First Cut for a chosen company. July's chosen company is InMode Ltd (INMD). Our goal is to educate all attendees on the process of putting a First Cut together. We believe the First Cut process helps investors create better Stock Studies resulting in better individual investment decisions. These workshops are interactive. We will be asking for input and suggestions while we complete the First Cut. Please prepare your own SSG on InMode Ltd prior to the workshop and join a lively discussion about the stock and the First Cut process.

All current BI members and those interested in finding out more about investing the BI way are encouraged to attend our meetings. Remember, friends don't let friends retire broke, they help them become BetterInvestors.


A curiosity about how to become a better investor by learning more on how to analyze a company for possibly investing in for your family's future financial security and independence.

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