General Contact Information

The North Florida Chapter is run by a group of dedicated volunteers who provide education and support services to BetterInvesting members and clubs in Central Florida from the Space Coast to the Gulf Coast. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact us using the Chapter Contact Information below. 

President:  Robin Ware

Vice Presidents:
     Administration:  Joan Fosdick          Communications:  Laura Scott          
     Membership:  Phil Crocker              Training & Education:  Dan Harter
Secretary:  Joan Fosdick

Treasurer:  Howard Tetrault

Model Club Liaison:  Thomas Brooks

Club Visits Liaison:  Robin Ware

Newsletter Editor:  Ben Shuler

Web Authors:  Joan Fosdick & Bob Houle              Facebook:  Laura Scott

Primary Contacts

General Contact

Robin Ware, President/Chair

Joan Fosdick, Secretary/Assistant Secretary

Laura Scott, Email Communications

Thomas Brooks, Model Club Officer/Contact

Dan Harter, Education Programs

Chapter Volunteers

Brent Campbell, Director

Doyle Campbell, Director Emeritus

Phillip Crocker, Director

Matthew Dominguez

James Gallagher, Director

Bob Houle, Director

Sam Mortellaro, Director

Ken Peters, Director Emeritus

Mickey Riemondy

Ben Shuler

Howard Tetrault, Director

Richard Vogel, Director Emeritus