MGE Energy Inc.
MGE Energy is an investor-owned public utility holding company headquartered in the state capital of Madison, Wis. MGE Energy is the parent company of Madison Gas and Electric Co. The utility provides natural gas and electric service in south-central and western Wisconsin. MGE's roots in the Madison area date back more than 150 years. Assets total approximately $2.7 billion. In 2023, revenue was approximately $690 million
MGE Energy Company Website
How To Invest
Stock InformationTicker Symbol: MGEE
Listed on the following exchange: NASDAQ
Dividend: Yes
Dividend Reinvestment Plan: Yes
Direct Stock Purchase Plan: Yes
Transfer Agent Information
MGE Energy c/o Computershare
PO Box 43078
Providence, RI 02940-3078
(608) 252-4744 or (800) 356-6423
Ways to purchase our stock
1. Buy through Transfer Agent.
2. Buy through brokerage firm of your choice.
Recent Reports
With a commitment to deep carbon reductions, consistent with climate science, MGE Energy’s regulated utility subsidiary, Madison Gas and Electric (MGE), is investing in cost-effective, cleaner energy sources to benefit all customers. Your community energy company is transitioning its energy supply, targeting net-zero carbon electricity while maintaining its fundamental commitments to safe, reliable and affordable energy. MGE Energy's 2023 Annual Report explores some of the ways in which MGE is connecting with those it serves to achieve its goals. Follow the link to view the latest news.
MGE Energy, Inc. Company Report
BetterInvesting Research
Contact Investor Relations (IR)
IR Website
IR Contact Name: Ken Frassetto
IR Phone Number: 608-252-0194
IR Email Address:
IR Contact Address: PO Box 1231
Madison, Wisconsin, 53701-1231