StockUp: Investing for Dividend Growth

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8:00 pm - 9:15 pm ET
Online Event
Cost: Free


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Dividends can significantly enhance a portfolio's total return while providing a regular and growing income stream. Stocks that have consistently increased their dividends tend to perform well over time. In this session, we will begin with a review of dividend basics and key metrics, such as the payout ratio. Next, we will analyze a company’s dividends using the Stock Selection Guide and explore strategies for dividend growth investing. Finally, we will identify sources where you can find ideas for dividend stocks.

Craig Braemer has invested over 40 years and joined the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of BetterInvesting in 1992, where he continues to serve as a director. Craig has developed and taught classes for his local chapter and often teaches at the BetterInvesting National Convention (BINC).  He still works in the financial services industry, but he is semi-retired.  Craig is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) with the Certified Financial Planning designation (CFP®). Outside of investing, his primary interests include attending SF Giants baseball games, family trips and watching soccer.

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Handouts for this session will be available on the StockUp webpage by December 12.
This webinar will be recorded and available to all members in the Video Learning Library.


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