Model Investment Clubs

As an education program, model clubs, run by volunteers, conduct formal meetings in a public setting so that guest attendees can experience an actual investment club meeting.  A model club’s primary role is to be a “learning lab” for attendees to study both BetterInvesting principles of fundamental stock investing using the Stock Selection Guide (SSG), and investment club operations management.

All model club meetings are FREE and open to all.  Come and see for yourself what millions of successful investors already know.

How To Find A Model Club

The Model Club is an educational program sponsored by our local chapters. Follow these steps to find a Model Club associated with your chapter:
  1. Click the "Locate My Chapter" button below to go to the Chapter Listing page.
  2. Locate the chapter in your state and click on the chapter name.
  3. Click on the Model Investment Club channel on your chapter's website to find a Model Club to visit.
Locate My Chapter

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