Why am I not receiving the webinar confirmation emails?

Webinar confirmation emails are generated automatically by GoToWebinar. BetterInvesting or ICLUBcentral servers do not send these emails.

The emails appear to be sent from the organizer, but they are sent from customercare@gotowebinar.com or noreply@goto.com and look like this.
Organizer Name <customercare@gotowebinar.com>
Organizer Name <noreply@goto.com>

Here are some steps to help diagnose and fix the problem of not receiving email communication from the webinar organizer.

  1. Check with the webinar organizer in question to check the registration records and determine if the registrant entered their email address correctly. If the email has a typo, reregister with the correct email address.
  2. Check with the webinar organizer in question to make sure the registrant has not inadvertently "unsubscribed" from receiving emails from GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar. The organizer may find the subscriber information in the registration report accessible by the organizer.

To resubscribe, follow these steps:

  1. In your email inbox, find an old confirmation email from that organizer to resubscribe.
  2. At the bottom of the email, click on the link that says, 'Stop GoTo Webinar emails.'
  3. A web page will open with text that says, 'Opt-Out from "{organizer email}." On that page, click the radio button next to the text that says 'Send me emails from {organizer email} and their colleagues.'
  4. Finally, click on the Submit button.

You are now resubscribed to that organizer's email communications.

If you cannot find an old registration email, you can attempt to access the subscription management page directly with this URL; https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/subscription.tmpl?attendeeEmail=YourEmail@domain.com&organizerEmail=organizerEmail@domain.com

In the above URL, you would replace YourEmail@domain.com with your email address and OrganizerEmail@domain.com with the organizer's email address.

If the management page successfully appears, follow the instructions above to indicate and submit your email preferences.

Other things to try:

  1. Check with the webinar organizer in question to check the registration records and determine if the registrant entered their email address correctly. If the email has a typo, re-register with the correct email address.
  2. Check with the webinar organizer in question to make sure the registrant has not inadvertently "unsubscribed" from receiving emails from GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar. The organizer may find the subscriber information in the registration report accessible by the organizer.
    1. In your email inbox, find an old confirmation email from that organizer to resubscribe.
    2. At the bottom of the email, click on the link that says, 'Stop GoToWebinar emails.'
    3. A web page will open with text that says, 'Opt-Out from "{organizer email}." On that page, click the radio button next to the text that says 'Send me emails from {organizer email} and their colleagues.'
    4. Finally, click on the Submit button.
  3. Have the organizer of the webinar "resend" the confirmation. This option is available from the webinar Registrant List.
  4. Check your junk/spam folders for the confirmation email. If the email is found in junk/spam, explicitly mark it as 'not spam' or 'not junk' or 'always allow.'
  5. Add customercare@gotowebinar.com to your email/contact address book, which indicates to your email provider that you trust this email address and may help improve deliverability.
  6. Check with your email provider to see if there is an issue with the delivery of emails from customercare@gotomeeting.com.
  7. Webinar emails not received by registrants can be due to the email address being flagged in the GoToMeeting system as undeliverable. Flagging can occur after several bounced emails from GoToMeeting to the registrant. Technical support can correct an undeliverable email by calling GoTo technical support at 888-259-8414. You do not need to be a GoToMeeting license holder to get help. This condition of GoToMeeting blocking the email is rare but does occur from time to time.

Registrants may contact GoTo technical support at 888-259-8414 for assistance with attending webinars or receiving confirmation emails.

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