Planned Giving

Designating NAIC/BetterInvesting as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, life insurance policy or an investment account is just a form away. Simply request a beneficiary designation form from your plan custodian, insurance agent or bank branch to name NAIC/BetterInvesting as a beneficiary. It’s one of the easiest ways to plan a gift, and it avoids or reduces both estate and income taxes for other beneficiaries.  You remain in control of your assets during your lifetime and can revise your beneficiary designation at any time.

If NAIC/BetterInvesting is fortunate enough for your consideration of a planned gift, please kindly inform us of this direction.

Gift the Entire Remainder of Your Estate

Sample language:
I give the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, after the payment of all expenses, taxes, and debts, to NAIC dba BetterInvesting presently located at 570 Kirts Boulevard, Ste. 237, Troy, MI 48084. I understand that BetterInvesting has local chapters, and I intend to donate to NAIC/BetterInvesting rather than to any individual chapter organization.

Gift a Specific Dollar Amount

Sample language:
I give $ _____ (number spelled out) to NAIC dba BetterInvesting presently located at 570 Kirts Boulevard, Ste. 237, Troy, MI 48084. I understand that BetterInvesting has local chapters, and I intend to donate to NAIC / BetterInvesting rather than to any individual chapter organization.

Gift a Contingent Amount

Sample language:
If none of the persons I have identified above as beneficiaries of my estate survive me, I give the rest, residue and remainder to NAIC dba BetterInvesting presently located at 570 Kirts Boulevard, Ste. 237, Troy, MI 48084. I understand that BetterInvesting has local chapters, and I intend to donate to NAIC/BetterInvesting rather than to any individual chapter organization.

Create a Charitable Remainder Trust

If you are considering a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT), we recommend speaking with a tax-planning attorney, insurance professional, investment adviser and/or CPA. In addition, utilize an attorney experienced in CRTs to prepare the documents. Feel free to reach out for assistance, if needed. For additional questions, please contact

How to Gift NAIC/BetterInvesting an Insurance Policy

You can also name NAIC/BetterInvesting as the beneficiary of the total or a fraction of your life insurance policy if it is a paid in full policy and there are no loans, liens or debts against it.

After discussing your wishes with your legal and financial advisors, please kindly inform us of this direction.

Total Amount: Name NAIC dba BetterInvesting presently located at 570 Kirts Boulevard, Ste. 237, Troy, MI 48084 as the beneficiary of 100% (one hundred percent) of the proceeds of the policy.

Fractional Amount: Name NAIC dba BetterInvesting presently located at 570 Kirts Boulevard, Ste. 237, Troy, MI 48084 as the beneficiary of _____ % (percentage spelled out) of the proceeds of the policy.

How to Name NAIC/BetterInvesting as a Beneficiary of a 401k, 403b, Roth IRA or Traditional IRA

Depending on the current tax law, your retirement account balances may be taxed at significantly more than 50% when a beneficiary receives a distribution as a result of the death of the owner. A nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization such as NAIC/BetterInvesting may be exempt from paying taxes on qualified employee benefit plans. As such, we recommend you speak with your legal and/or financial advisors about the estate tax implications of your retirement accounts. 

By designating NAIC/BetterInvesting as a beneficiary your gift may not be subject to estate tax. And therefore, the money from your retirement account will go directly to supporting the very investment education mission that helped you.

To declare NAIC/BetterInvesting as your qualified plan beneficiary, utilize this sample language:

Total Amount:
Give 100% (one hundred percent) to NAIC dba BetterInvesting presently located 570 Kirts Boulevard, Ste. 237, Troy, MI 48084.

Fractional Beneficiary:
Give _____ % (percentage spelled out) to NAIC dba BetterInvesting presently located at 570 Kirts Boulevard, Ste. 237, Troy, MI 48084.

How to Name NAIC/BetterInvesting in Your Will

Ask your attorney to add a statement to your will which expresses your wishes in one of the following ways:

Gift a Fraction of Your Estate

Sample language:
I give _____ % (fraction spelled out) of my estate, after payment of all specified bequests, expenses, taxes and debts, to NAIC dba BetterInvesting presently located at 570 Kirts Boulevard, Ste. 237, Troy, MI 48084. I understand that BetterInvesting has local chapters, and I intend to donate to NAIC/BetterInvesting rather than to any individual chapter organization.

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