Model Stock Investment Club - May

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9:00 am - 11:00 am PT
Online only
Cost: FREE - Visitors Always Welcome

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Our Model Club invests successfully in stocks...let us show you how!



IMPORTANT NOTE:  Prior to COVID, our meetings were in-person, where we can more easily welcome visitors.  However, the facility where we meet is not ready to welcome us back yet.  For the foreseeable future, our meetings will be online.  Nevertheless, all visitors are welcome to attend any of our meetings.

The Sacramento Model Stock Investment Club meets the 2nd Saturday of each month from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM.

Learn how to run an investment club by watching our Model Stock Investment Club run theirs. Come, watch, listen and learn.  

Because club members are investing their own money, we do provide time to answer any questions from guests after the meeting, but not while the meeting is in progress.

NOTE CHANGE:  The Chapter's Board Meeting date and time has changed.  That meeting will be held, at 6:30 pm, monthly on the Wednesday after the Model Club meeting.  Anyone is welcome to attend these meetings also as Directors plan other activities during the year.  Look for the separate registration on our Local Events page.  We hope you join us.


None.  We welcome all levels of investors, from beginner to experienced.

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