Basic Acid Tests

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8:00 am - 9:00 am MT
Cost: No Cost

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This program addresses the basic questions an investor should ask about a stock in order for the stock to be considered for further study.  Is this stock worth our time to study?  Does it pass the three SSG “Basic Acid Tests?”
  1. Are the graph lines up, straight and parallel?
  2. Is the company doing better this year compared to last year?
  3. Is it producing a profit and turning its profit into more profit? and how reasonable is its debt?
If all answers are yes, then this could be a high-quality growth stock, and it may be worth your time to study.

“Advanced Acid Tests” is the perfect follow-up to this class and is offered in a seperate session.
Intructor: Kathleen Richards
Education  Chair
Northeast Ohio Chapter

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