News & Articles
Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Winter 2025
Social Security, "It's Too Important For Guesswork" Flyer
Oklahoma Chapter 2024 Annual and Election Meeting
Oklahoma Portfolio Contest Rules and Form
Annual Membership Meeting
2023 Annual Meeting:
The Oklahoma Chapter held its 2023 Annual Edufest on Saturday, August 19, 2023, at First Southern Baptist Church in Oklahoma City. During the daylong event Suzi Artzberger, BetterInvesting Director, Online Tools, IT and Data shared with those in attendance five stock investing presentations, listed below. Since this was an in-person event and not everyone in the chapter had a chance to join us, Suzi has graciously agreed to share her presentation handouts with us to share with you.
- A Look at Some Local Portfolios
- Easy Research Using CoreSSG and SSGPlus
- Screening & Stock Ideas
- Stock Selection Guide Basics
- Tools for the SSG CoreSSG and SSGPlus
The First Cut Stock Report
An easy-to-use form providing a simple format to capture your rationale and thoughts about your completed SSG.
Understanding judgments Use First Cut reports to find potential investments for your own portfolio.
Compare your SSG with others from our community of investors. Here is a recording of a recent training session on doing First Cuts.
Click on the link to download: First Cut Stock Report Template
Why Join an Investment Club?
There are many reasons a person might want to join an investment club. Let’s start by defining what is an “investment club.”
“An investment club is a group of people who pool their money to make investments. Usually, investment clubs are organized as partnerships and, after the members study different investments, the group decides to buy or sell based on a majority vote of the members. Club meetings may be educational and each member may actively participate in investment decisions.” -- US Securities & Exchange Commission
So, why do almost 80% of BetterInvesting members belong to one (or more) BI investing clubs? The anecdotal reports we get when our chapter volunteers make training visits to our clubs is that club members want to learn how to identify quality companies and properly assess the company’s sales and earnings to form an informed opinion of the company’s future potential. They want to learn the key skill of evaluating management’s ability to continue growing the company and making money for them as owners. They want to learn about and apply a rational, proven process for buying (and selling) stocks. As their stock holdings grow in number of names and values members want to learn how to create and manage a portfolio of solid, high-quality growth companies, re-invest dividends, and make money.
That’s why people join investment clubs: so they can learn how to invest.
We’ve found that the major driver for belonging to an investment club is the members want to be able to take these skills back to their own kitchen table and apply them to their own family’s investment portfolio. Teaching their children how to invest (and properly manage the legacy portfolio they’re building for them) is a major motivator.
Question: are you getting out of your investment club experience what you expected? If not, perhaps it’s because you’re missing the educational benefit of club membership that can only come from being an active participant in your club, equipped with the tools of the trade and skilled in their application. If you only have a club membership you’re missing access to the research resources, the data stream, the analysis tools, and the lessons shared from the thousands of other BetterInvesting investing clubs in the country that you can only get through having your own membership in BetterInvesting which includes subscribing to the online stock study tools. And you’re not bringing home to the kitchen table the skills and tools your family needs to achieve financial independence. Even worse, you won't be able to teach the next generation in your family how to save and invest.
Would you like to find out more? Go to and explore their public website. View the free online stock study webinars that are posted there. Try out the online demo stock study tools. View the many YouTube videos posted by BetterInvesting. Perhaps the best way is to take advantage of your Chapter’s experienced volunteers to visit your club and provide your members with hands-on training on “all things investing.” Just send us an email at and we’ll get back to you.
Questions or comments? Carolyn Fox, Director, Oklahoma Chapter at