Model Stock Investment Club Meeting-Bergen County-April

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7:00 pm - 9:00 pm ET
Cost: FREE and Open to the Public


Join this meeting to discover how investment clubs work.

The Model Stock Investment Club - Bergen County is a model stock investment club of BetterInvesting.  This club will demonstrate both BetterInvesting principles of fundamental stock investing using the BetterInvesting Stock Selection Guide (SSG) and proper investment club operations management.  Model Clubs serve as learning labs for other investment club members, prospective members, and guests to help them learn more about BetterInvesting principles, and how to apply them to their own investment clubs and/or personal investments.

This Model Club typically meets the first Tuesday of each month.

For the foreseeable future, the meetings will be online. 

All meetings are free and open to the public. Please come and observe an investment club in action! 


A willingness to learn how to invest in stocks.

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