Welcome to the LA/MS Chapter!
We are an all-volunteer, non-profit, investment education organization serving Louisiana and most of Mississippi with over 450 members and 42 investment clubs in our area. As a BetterInvesting chapter we are here to help empower you to become a successful, long-term investor through the use of BetterInvesting’s time tested investing principles, methods and tools.
Investing workshops and seminars are scheduled throughout the year and at various locations within the chapter’s area. These are listed in the Local Events section of this website. We want to help you make sound investment decisions.
Directors are available to make club visits, answer questions, help with new club start-ups or club accounting questions, to conduct investment education classes at your club or help you establish your own educational program. We can bring classes to your club and forums to your area.
For questions about how we can help you become a better educated investor, contact a director in your area:
Louisiana Area :
Eric Resweber
or call 225-788-2528
Mississippi Area :
Joe Farrell
or call 601-331-8896

Learn More
The LA/MS has an easy way for guests to get the latest information about chapter news, events, and classes. Simply sign up using the form below and you will be added to our LA/MS email list. You may unsubscribe at any time.