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Educational Event Recordings and Handouts


Coach, Is Offense or Defense More Important? (Robin Ware, Mike Torbenson and John Blais - October 30, 2024)
Presentation Handout / PERT Cheat Sheet
Welcome to today's exciting game where both offense and defense take center stage. 

Defense Coach Robin Ware will explore the Portfolio Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), demonstrating its defensive applications by identifying companies with declining fundamentals. She will evaluate whether these companies should be sold to safeguard our portfolio from potential losses. 

On the offensive side, Coach Mike Torbenson will leverage our insights from the SSG and use the PERT to show how we can enhance our portfolio's returns. He will also discuss which positions we might consider increasing for better performance. 
A team is a team, and by bringing it all together, John Blais will share some best practices for effectively utilizing the PERT within a club setting.

Every Picture Tells A Story (Dori Raser/ Lynn Treffry July 29, 2024)
Presentation Handout  / Questions and Answers

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  In this session, we begin to learn how to read pictures and what they can tell us about a company.  This session will focus on understanding a company's growth and what it tells us about the future sales and earnings per share growth.   It will also touch on what the picture tells us about a company's value.

"Is Value Line Still Valuable?" (David Lenig / Marcia Couey April 29, 2024)
Presentation Handout / Interactive Value Line Reference

Sometimes we believe we are already familiar with something and fail to fully realize its potential to help us. In this session, David Lenig and Marcia Couey are going to revisit an old friend and make a new friend too. 

David will examine the Value Line one-page pdf report and help us become reacquainted with using it for screening as well as with information used for the Stock Selection Guide (SSG).  

Marcia will help us become friends with Value Line 2.0, the online Value Line website. We will improve our analysis and company/industry selection as we discover a tool that is hidden in plain sight.

 "Retirement & The Tax Man" (Christi Powell - February 29, 2024)
Presentation Handout / 2023 Important Numbers / 2024 Important Numbers

Nowhere does it tell us to give the taxman more than we must.  Depending on the source of the funds to pay living expenses in retirement, you may face very different tax rates. You want to have an organized plan that manages tax efficiently and also addresses income-related monthly adjustment amounts (IRMAA).

You need a retirement tax strategy that will:
* identify the types of taxes faced at various stages
* address how taxes impact Social Security and Medicare
* and plan when to tap different accounts so you don't overpay taxes.

Join us as Christi Powell shows just how to do that!