Welcome from the Georgia Chapter

Services the Georgia Chapter offers to its members and to the general public include:
(Due to COVID-19 all programs are online until further notice)
-Regular in-person classes on topics such as introduction to investing, the BetterInvesting methodology and using the Stock Selection Guide, and basic financial literacy.
-An annual Investors Education Fair, held in August, featuring dozens of classes taught by local and national instructors on a range of investing topics.
-Club visits by our chapter board members to help your club with a variety of topics, including portfolio reviews and club accounting.
-Email and printed newsletters highlighting chapter events and sharing investment education ideas.
Contact the Chapter’s board at contact@Georgia.betterinvesting.net
Learn More
The Georgia Chapter has an easy way for guests to get the latest information about chapter news, events, and classes. Simply sign up using the form below and you will be added to our Georgia Chapter email list. You may unsubscribe at any time.