Online Education Event-What is financial health?

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7:00 pm - 8:00 pm MT
Cost: Free


The Arizona Chapter of BetterInvesting will present an education event which will focus on many aspects of Financial Health. 

What is Financial Health and what isn't?
Find out about your risks and how to minimize them.
How, Why and what insurances you should have.
So, how much savings and investments should I have? Hmmmm...
What are great sources for financial and investing information?

To join this event, simply click the link below and you will be directed to Free Conference Call . Be sure and turn your audio on (on your computer) you do this by selection "use my  computer audio" when prompted.

Click to join meeting
Additional Options to connect:
    Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6324
    Access code: 5661484



Come with questions! we love them.

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