Arizona Chapter Annual Meeting with Mark Robertson

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6:00 pm - 8:00 pm MT
Cost: FREE

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You have an open invitation to join us at our meetings.  We hope you can make it! 



The Arizona Chapter Board of Directors  annual meeting and we invite you to join us for a special event with Mark Robertson.  
Popular founder and host of the Manifest Investing webinars Mark Robertson and Ken Kavula will be our guest speakers.  Their topic of discussion will be “What Works in Successful Investing?”.    They will examine successful funds and “tune-up” a few club portfolios that emphasize GROWTH, QUALITY AND RETURN EXPECTATIONS.

If you would like to submit your club portfolio for a “Dashboard Diagnostics” session, please send your latest club valuation statement to: by July 31, 2024.

The Chapter will hold a short business meeting afterward.  We will hold our Annual Meeting and Election  of Officers.  We are looking for a few volunteers who are willing to help with our mission.  If you would be willing, please contact Steve Clauter at

Mark Robertson is founder and Managing Partner of Manifest Investing, served as senior contributing editor for BetterInvesting and has worked with successful investment clubs and individual investors since 1993. He has appeared on National Public Radio, CNBC and ABC to discuss long-term investing. He has also worked with Smart Money, Barron’s, Money magazine and the Motley Fool and been covered by the Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal and MarketWatch as well as a number of local publications.


Ken Kavula has served the modern investment club movement in a wide variety of leadership volunteer positions. A retired educator, he is regarded as a small company champion and respected speaker nationwide. Ken also belongs to four investment clubs, including two Model clubs and a family club. 

Mark is the Founder and Managing Partner of Manifest Investing, served as senior contributing editor for Better Investing and has worked with successful investment clubs and individual investors since 1993. He has appeared on National Public Radio, CNBC and ABC to discuss long-term investing. He has also worked with Smart Money, Barron’s, Money magazine and the Motley Fool and been covered by the Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal and MarketWatch as well as a number of local publications.

Please Register in advance by clicking the link below.

Please remember that you have an open invitation to join us at our meetings. We love to have visitors who are seeking information or who might be interested in becoming involved with the Arizona Chapter.

WANTED!! We are in need of a social media specialist. If you would like to volunteer to help, please join our meeting.




Event Contact

Steve Clauter, President Arizona Chapter