What is Member Sentiment?

Member Sentiment is a powerful feature in the BetterInvesting Online Stock Tools Suite, which can help you make better investing decisions. This feature provides a snapshot of what the BetterInvesting community is projecting for the future for the company you’re studying, allowing you to double-check your own Stock Selection Guide™ (SSG™) forecasts.
How it works:
  • Community Insights: Member Sentiment gathers data from all completed^ SSG studies on a specific company over the past 90 days, as submitted by BetterInvesting members. This means you’re getting a perspective enriched by the experiences of fellow like-minded investors! (^Completed SSGs have all the forecasts or judgment areas completed.)
  • Filtered for Statistical Range: To ensure that the data you’re reviewing is as reliable as possible, any outliers outside established statistical boundaries are automatically excluded from the aggregated statistics. However, if you want to consider those outliers in the statistics, you can include them in your analysis by clicking the checkbox next to the data row in the raw data section.
  • Detailed Statistics: The feature provides a range of key metrics, including the mean, median, standard deviation and range, and the total number of studies analyzed. This comprehensive data gives you a solid understanding of community estimates regarding the stock in question.
  • Visual Representation: A histogram breaks down the data distribution in a way that’s easy to interpret visually.
Remember, by utilizing Member Sentiment, you can effectively compare your forecasts with those of the broader community. This not only enhances your confidence in your SSG analysis but also supports you in making well-informed investment decisions.

Related article: What are outliers in Member Sentiment?
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